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Fire Fly Whisper Dusk
             - Oliver -

* October 19, 2023

Oliver is a spirited young male who wraps everyone around his little paw with his charm.

I am already looking forward to his further development.

P ride N Precious Icon

- Carlo -

* January 23rd, 2019

  CMO-0, PL-0,  DNA


   German Champion VDH

   German Champion KFT

   Dansk Champion

   2 x BOB

   1 x BOS

   1 x CACIB

   1 x CACIB / DK

   4 x CAC

   2 x RCAC

   1 x RCACIB

   2x CAC / DK

   1 x JBOB

   2 x BIS puppy

   1 x JCAC

   1 x RJCAC

   2 x JCAC / DK


Carlo is the male reinforcement in our house. He is a very spirited young male.

He has a very loving nature and is very strong and  elegant.


Carlo hat sich zu einem sehr schönen Rüden entwickelt. Er ist sehr temperamentvoll und liebt lange Spaziergänge.

Er hat ein ganz liebevolles Wesen und ist sehr käftig und  elegant.

W hite Snowshoes Special Surprise
- Toni -

* March 19, 2017


1 x BIS puppy

1 x Res. JCAC


Toni is a very spirited young male. He has a very loving nature.

He has developed into a powerful young male and enchants all two-legged and four-legged friends with his charm.


Toni is owned by Mrs. Becker.

W hite Snowshoes Heartbreaker
- Emile -

* 08/27/2016


1 x BOB

1 x CAC

1 x JCAC, best low runner


Emile is a little heartbreaker. It lives up to its name. He is very powerful and elegant. He has developed into a very beautiful male.


Emile is owned by the Fisbeck family.

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