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Tremmerupweg 5

D - 24944 Flensburg

Tel: + 49 (0) 461 - 31 01 18



Name: White Snowshoes
As a user of our website, you will receive all necessary information in this data protection declaration on how, to what extent and for what purpose we or third-party providers collect and use data from you. Your data is collected and used strictly in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). We feel particularly committed to the confidentiality of your personal data and therefore work strictly within the limits set by the legal requirements. The collection of this personal data takes place on a voluntary basis, if this is possible for us. We also only pass this data on to third parties with your express consent. We ensure a high level of security for particularly confidential data such as payment transactions or with regard to your inquiries to us through the use of SSL encryption. At this point, however, we do not want to fail to point out the general dangers of Internet use, over which we have no influence. Without further precautions, your data is not secure, especially when it comes to e-mail, and it may be possible for third parties to collect it.

Information, deletion, blocking

You will receive information at any time free of charge about the personal data we have stored about you as well as the origin, the recipient and the purpose of data collection and data processing. You also have the right to request that your data be corrected, blocked or deleted. This does not apply to data that is stored due to legal regulations or required for proper business transactions. So that a data lock can be implemented at any time, data is kept in a lock file for control purposes. If data is not covered by a statutory archiving obligation, we will delete your data at your request. If the archiving obligation applies, we will block your data. For all questions and concerns regarding the correction, blocking or deletion of personal data, please use the contact details in this data protection declaration or the address given in the legal notice.


We use cookies on our website. These small text files are stored on your PC by our server. They support the presentation of our website and help you to move around our website. Cookies collect data on your IP address, your browser, your operating system and your internet connection. We do not combine this information with personal data and do not pass it on to third parties. Under no circumstances are cookies used by us to bring malware or espionage programs onto your computer. You can also use our website without the use of cookies, which means that some presentations and functions of our offer may only work to a limited extent. If you would like to deactivate cookies, you can do this via special settings in your browser. Please use its help function in order to be able to make the corresponding changes. You can manage online ad cookies via the following links: for the USA for Europe

Third Party Content and Services

The offer on our website may also include content, services and performances from other providers that supplement our offer. Examples of such offers are maps from Google Maps, YouTube videos or third-party graphics. Calling up these services from third parties regularly requires the transmission of your IP address. This enables these providers to perceive your user IP address and also to save it. We try very hard to only include third-party providers who only use IP addresses to deliver the content. However, we have no influence on which third party provider may save the IP address. This storage can, for example, serve statistical purposes. If we become aware of storage processes by third-party providers, we will inform our users of this fact immediately. In this context, please also note the special data protection declarations for individual third-party providers and service providers whose services we use on our website. You can also find them in this data protection declaration.

Personal data

We collect personal data in the context of data avoidance and data economy only to the extent and for as long as it is necessary to use our website or as required by law. We take the protection of your personal data seriously and strictly adhere to the relevant legal regulations and this data protection declaration when collecting and processing personal data. If the purpose of the data collection no longer applies or the end of the statutory storage period has been reached, the collected data will be blocked or deleted. Our website can be used regularly without passing on personal data. If we collect personal data - such as your name, your address or your e-mail address - this data collection is voluntary. This data will not be made known to third parties without your express consent. Please note that data on the Internet is generally not always transmitted securely. Protection during data exchange cannot be guaranteed, especially in e-mail traffic.

SSL encryption

Our website uses SSL encryption when it comes to the transmission of confidential or personal content from our users. This encryption is activated, for example, when processing payment transactions and for inquiries that you send to us via our website. Please make sure that the SSL encryption is activated on your part during corresponding activities. The use of encryption is easy to see: The display in your browser line changes from "http: //" to "https: //". Data encrypted via SSL cannot be read by third parties. Only transmit your confidential information with activated SSL encryption and contact us in case of doubt.

Facebook plugin

You will find plugins for the social network Facebook on our website. Its provider is Facebook Inc. It is based in the USA, California 94025, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park. The Facebook logo or the "Like-Button" ("I like" button) on our site identify the Facebook plug-ins so that you can recognize them. Please also note the overview of the Facebook plugins at When you visit our website, we establish a direct connection to the Facebook server via the plug-in. You are then switched there via your browser. For Facebook, this is linked to the information that you have visited our website with your IP address. With a click on the Facebook "Like-Button" you link the contents of our website with your profile on Facebook. For Facebook, the visit to our site can be assigned to your user account. We have no knowledge of the type of content that is transmitted to Facebook and how Facebook uses it. You can find more information on data collection and use in the Facebook data protection declaration, which you can find at You can prevent the assignment of your visit to our site to your Facebook profile by simply logging out of your Facebook account beforehand.

This data protection declaration was created by www.datenschü

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