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I m heart

As the rainbow faded

there came the albatross, and he carried me with gentle wings far across the seven seas.
He carefully put me on the edge

of light.
I entered and felt safe.
I haven't left you
I'm just a little ahead of you.

You will always be in our hearts ...

- We love you -

23.08.2014_German Winner_klein.jpg
S lamannan Heartstrings
- Jessy-

   09.08.2009 - 04.07.2023

    PL-0 - DNA


    Danish Winner

    2x BOS

    2x CACIB / DK

    2x CAC / DK

    1x RCAC

    1x RJCAC

    1x RCACIB

Unsere Jessy war die Stammmutter meiner Zucht. Mit ihr hat alles begonnen. Sie hat meine Linie mit ihren Nachkommen, Enkeln und Urenkeln aufgebaut. Vielen Dank kleine Maus für deine schönen Welpen, die du uns geschenkt hast. Wir werden dich sehr vermissen.

L isa

12/29/2006 - 11/17/2018

Lisa was our dear family dog ​​and the boss here in the house. She was the oldest and the quietest - but her position as "boss" she did not allow herself to be taken away.

She loved playing with our puppies and was the nanny for the little ones.

W hite Snowshoes Little Darling
- Shari -

07/07/2011 - 03/09/2016

PL-0 - DNA

German Champion KFT

German Champion VDH

Champion Denmark

1 x BOB

3 x BOS

3 x CAC


4 x RCAC


1 x CAC / DK

3 x RCAC / DK


Shari was a very lovable bitch with a lot of temperament and self-confidence.


Shari war meine erste Nachzucht aus meiner Linie. Sie war eine ganz liebenswerte Hündin mit viel Temperament und Selbstbewußtsein. Sie präsentierte sich mit viel Freude auf Ausstellungen und war eine liebevolle Mutter. Du wirst immer in unserem Herzen bleiben.

S usi

09/27/1992 - 11/16/2006

Susi was my first West Highland Terrier. I had seen a Westie at my cousin's house and had never known this breed. I fell in love immediately and knew that I would like one too. I had to wait a few more years until my Susi finally moved in with us.

She has been with us for many years and we were very happy with her. She will always stay in our hearts ...

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