A n my dog
Because love can never be taken for granted ...
He's my third eye that looks over clouds
my third ear,
that listens over winds.
He's the part of me
which extends to the sea.
How he leans on my legs
wags his tail at the slightest smile,
shows a pain when I go out without it
tell me a thousand times
that I am the only reason he is there.
If I am wrong, he gladly forgives me.
When I'm angry, he makes me laugh.
If I am happy, he will almost go mad with joy.
If I make a fool of myself, he overlooks it.
If I succeed in something, he praises me.
D ear
Without him, I'm just one of many.
I am strong with him. He is fidelity itself.
He taught me the importance of devotion.
Through him I experience spiritual comfort
and inner peace.
He taught me to understand
where before there was only ignorance.
His head on my knee
heals my human pain.
I'm not afraid in his presence
from darkness and the unknown.
He promised to wait for me ...
Whenever and wherever ...
I could use it.
And I need him - like I always have.
It is just my dog.
Source: unknown